Retooling was a project that I began last year where I created an adjustable metal skeleton coat rack and was. This installation featured wall-mounted pieces of leather, a leather vest and on the wall next to it, branding irons saying handle with care or care with handle and beneath, a large black bucket of water. This project is about desensitization. So many people are desensitized to violence. During the performance, I branded myself over a leather vest to protect myself. However, I still screamed out in agony. I thought it was interesting that when I did that there was a slow lead-up to me hurting myself. The brand would take time to heat up and every time I would scream in agony. Through repetition, I began handling the pain more and more, and my screams became less loud throughout the performance. It was not physical pain, but mental pain. Behind the camera, about 20 or so of my classmates and my teacher stood watching me put myself through this. It reminded me of the confusion regarding illusion or reality behind the screen. Because of this, we get desensitized. Because of how much violence is shown on media, reading the news, social media, or any platforms, none of it seems real anymore. I had a conversation with my classmates afterward to talk to them about why they did not come to help. They were met with confusion as they did not know what were genuine screams and what was part of the performance. Even on the off chance that they were genuine screams, nobody came to help, showing the viewer firsthand that a desensitized mind is of no use to a person in need, that even in the face of danger, a desensitized mind would rather just watch you suffer.


